Does Github Profile help me?

24 Feb 2023 » pov

Github Github

Came across this article talks about Github profile to replace résumé.

The benefits

I personally think yes, it does help in supporting your job application, but it does not mean it is a mandatory. Github profile is able to tell a person how active is him in contributing in open source software, but if the contributions are scattered around, it does not help to explain how proficient this guy in a certain area or programming language.

I do agree it helps to improve your profile, but this limits to if the project is created by you or you are the maintainer/contributors of that project, most importantly you have a unique thoughts of what does this project leads to.

Github profile for recruiter

A recruiter should not just look at the Github profile to determine if the candidate is experience. Github launches in 2008, it is about 15 years. However Github registered users only represents a portion of software engineer in the world, that means there might be engineer with years of experience without Github account or does not contribute to the Github. With a full time job, engineer has little time to building their profile in Github.

What’s in the repository

We all start with simething simple and easy to get some sense of a new programming language. For convenience we make our repository setup as what it is as default. But for recruitment, one might not wish to show a profile with those experiment codes.

Half a loaf is better than none

Eventually it’s up to you to decide if you to invest your time on Github. It is good if you have something to show to your recruiter than nothing. If your plan is to showcase, be serious with it.